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1月, 2018の投稿を表示しています

Bad Company

‘I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news,’ said Detective Inspector Helen Shepherd. ‘We found a body on the beach this morning. We believe it is Claudia Engel. We also believe that someone murdered her.’ ‘What? McNab’s mouth fell open. ‘Claudia? I don’t believe it. It can’t be true.’ (From back cover) I decided to read this book by the title and cover. I had not thought that this book is a mystery story. There are many characters in this story, so it was difficult for me to understand the relationships. This story is too long to read at once. It is interesting to be able to get clues as I read it. I think that Shepherd’s sergeant Webb play good roles in this story. I didn’t like mystery stories, but I want to try to read them on this occasion. MacAndrew, Richard. (2011). Bad Company . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.